Wednesday, September 14, 2011

First day, Second Day, Third Day, Day Four

This is one of the most stressful attempts at anything I have done in a while.  I read online about the naked and $75 dollar method. Naked makes sense because how else am I going to be able to stop her mid-stream and teach her that yes, you do have control over this function of your body. Which seems like the first step to learning to be potty trained.

So I took up all the area rugs in our home and placed them in our bedroom then stripped her down and waited. Sure enough a while later she started peeing and I said no, no, no. She stared up at me mid stream stopped peeing and gave me a look... what do I do now mom. I grabbed her up and set her on the toilet and then she went the rest of the way and we celebrated the fact that she could hold her bladder. This scenario happened again. Next, I caught her squatting down, about ready to take a dump in the middle of the living room floor. I am so glad I didn't have to clean that one up. Later that evening, she pleasantly surprised me by looking up at me and saying ouwey while pointing at her private area. Ok good, I thought she has learned how to hold it and yes this is an uncomfortable feeling that you are going to have to deal with. So she used the potty without peeing on herself. Right before bed I had her sit on my lap and watch TV while praying she didn't pee on me. Then right before bed I had her use the potty and she went. Hallelujah my baby can hold it.

The second and third days were half and half ..... hit and miss. I had her wear a dress and no pantys. It was a beautiful fall day so we were outside most of it.  Found myself wondering is she purposely not going on the toilet to see what my reaction will be, and is she getting passing gas confused with an oncoming bowl movement. Then she had me take her to the bathroom for what seemed like six times in thirty minutes....ok, now she is just messing with me. Some times she says she needs to go, sits on the pot, and produces nothing and then a couple of minutes later, pees on the floor. Is that stage fright. Sometimes she looks like she is holding it because she walks slowly around the yard with her hands clasped in front of her I take her to the bathroom she struggles while I hold her down on the pot. Then she starts weeping and then out flows the pee pee. Wow, this is hard! She is such an active little turd.  In the evening I introduced a reward "pop pops" (lollypops) as she likes to call them.

The third day I introduced training pants and later that evening daddy gave me a much needed night off and reported that she told him two different times she needed to go to the bathroom and didn't go once in her pants. I was so excited and thought, foolishly, that tomorrow was going to be even better. Yea, I was wrong about that one.

(So many people recommend taking them to the bathroom every 30 minutes and making them sit on the pot and was doing this partly, but partly I was waiting for her to tell me she needed to go because I want her to listen to her body so I guess right now I am in the middle. I don't want her to wait too long because she is too busy playing and then she just can't take it any more, but on the other side of it all I do want her to learn to listen to her body and not rely on me forcing her to sit on the pot every thirty minutes.)

Day 4

Today she went pee and poop on herself quite a bit and I got mad because she wasn't even trying. She was just letting it all go. So I disciplined her and then magically she started holding it and going on the pot. She didn't go in her training pants this evening when I dropped her off at church to go to my Bible study. Amazing. She is so stubborn. I know this about her because she refused to try to walk too, and as soon as I refused to let her just crumple when I attempted to help her walk, she started walking. She certainly reminds me of her father who can be a stubborn brat too. Well, we will see what tomorrow holds.

I told my mother-in-law, sister, and mom about some of the adventures we were having with potty train. It amazes me how all three of them think they are experts in this area and are so good at pointing out what I should and shouldn’t do. Whatever happened to good old-fashioned venting and then having the other person just sympathized with you. I hate advise sometimes. I just want someone to say, “ yea, that’s tough….” And then “it will get better” and then shut the blank up. Actually though, if they sympathized first I would be more ready to listen. These woman just annoy me. After I potty train my sweet thing I am going to get a job and then I can stop being annoyed with them as much and make money and chat with random adults whom I miss being around.

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